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Not just black for a cosmetic reason, the unique black tone of the Infamous® Freak® inserts are designed for increased durability and performance.

Infamous® edition Freak® inserts are superior to standard Stainless Steel inserts due to the case-hardening process used to increase the inserts’ wear resistance, corrosion resistance and lubricity. Unlike anodizing or plating, the nitride process does not affect tolerances or weight of the insert and will never flake or peel.

The process used on the Infamous® inserts is a nitrocarburizing case hardening, known as quench polish quench nitriding, or by the brand names of QPQ®, Tufftride®, Tenifer® or Melonite®.

The surface properties of this treatment increases surface hardness by as much as 300% over the base stainless material. Additionally the stainless base material takes on its characteristic black color.


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